Fast lice therapy consists of four phases.
STEP 1 - Inspeciton: It is a detailed control process to detect the ending. This is done with a magnifying lamp.
STEP 2 - Heated-Air Treatment:The first step is our heated air treatment which utilizes our exclusive and patented Airallé device. This FDA cleared device kills lice and their eggs by drying them out. The temperature is carefully controlled to ensure the treatment will dehydrate the lice and their eggs while still being very comfortable. Every Lice Center of Nitspro technician is trained and certified to use the Airallé device. We start with the section of hair at the base of the head and treat the area for 30 seconds. We continue treating one section of hair at a time until the entire scalp is done. The heated air treatment using the Ariallé device lasts only 30 minutes.
STEP 3 - The Rinse: The third step in our full service treatment is the application of a topical rinse specially formulated to suffocate any lice that may have survived. We will thoroughly apply the rinse to all of the hair and scalp. The rinse needs to be left in the hair for 10 minutes. Our full treatment usually takes about an hour and that's it you're done. We guarantee your child will be lice-free so you can get back to your life.
STEP 4 - Last Inspeciton: It is the process of final control. This process is carried out by a specialist accompanied by a magnifying lamp.